
Qualifications Framework for Ecology and Environmental Management

Project Objectives

The project’s overall aim is to improve the quality of university education in the Russian Federation (RF) and contribute to creating synergies between higher education and society at large by designing a model for interaction between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and key social partners (industry, government, professional and research organizations).
The specific objective of the project is to develop and implement a region-specific Qualifications Framework (QF) for Higher Education (Bachelor /Master Degrees) in the field of Ecology and Environmental Management (EEM), adjusted to the needs of the regional labour markets and in line with the national and European standards.
The main philosophy of the project has been fed by international discussions expressed in a number of official documents (The Lisbon European Council (2000), Barcelona European Council (2002); the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) adopted by the European Parliament and the Council (April 2008), etc.).
The main thrust and belief has been that increased transparency of qualifications should be one of the major components necessary to adapt education and training systems to the demands of the knowledge-based society.
The process of development and implementation of QF in European countries has not been completed yet: the stages vary from country to country. In that sense it will be extremely beneficial for the development of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) for the Russian Federation, as well as for the European partners, to study and apply best practices of the countries where QFs have already been integrated on a wider scale (e.g. UK), and the countries where there is still a great deal of potential for its development (Germany, France).

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.