Project Outcome

Tempus project 159325-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES
«Qualifications Framework for Ecology and Environmental Management»

Galina V. Telegina, Olga N. Baryshnikova, Natalia A. Zavalko, Vladimir N. Rusakov, Olga G. Voronova, Gennady Y. Baryshnikov, Irina P. Geraschenko, Olga A. Stoliarova, Natalia V. Zherebiatieva, Svetlana S. Semochkina, Tatiana V. Antufeeva, Larina V. Shvetsova, Olga Y. Vaver, Nina V. Shtykova

A Manual for Development of the Qualifications Framework for "Ecology and Environmental Management"

Tyumen • Barnaul • Omsk • Novosibirsk • Freiburg • Strasbourg • Birmingham • Landau

Telegina Galina V., Baryshnikova Olga N., Zavalko Natalia A., Rusakov Vladimir N., Voronova Olga G., Baryshnikov Gennady Y., Geraschenko Irina P., Stoliarova Olga A., Zherebiatieva Natalia V., Semochkina Svetlana S., Antufeeva Tatiana V., Shvetsova Larina V., Vaver Olga Y., Shtykova Nina V. A Manual for Development of the Qualifications Framework for ‘Ecology and Environmental Management’. Tempus Project 159325-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES "Qualifications Framework for ‘Ecology and Environmental Management’ (2010-2013). Tyumen - Barnaul - Omsk - Novosibirsk - Freiburg - Strasbourg - Birmingham - Landau: Tyumen State University Press, 2012.

Qualifications Frameworks (QF-s) allow for a global vision of education systems. They may be viewed as tools for integrating the spheres of work and education, for mutual recognition of job qualifications, for monitoring the quality of educational programmes, as well as for their modernization. The Manual for Development of the Qualifications Framework for ‘Ecology and Environmental Management’ summarizes the joint efforts of a team, including academics and representatives of the labour market, in order to elaborate the content of the QF for this subject area.

The manual is presenting one of the major outcomes of the Tempus Project 159325-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES ‘Qualifications Framework for Ecology and Environmental Management’ (2010-2013). The QF-s were developed building on the study of the existing EU and national approaches; on the needs analysis of regional labour markets, including surveys conducted among the graduates and the employers; on the analysis of the legal documents regulating the working activity of specialists in Ecology and Environmental Management, as well as on the governments’ educational standards. The discussion of the contents of the Regional QF-s took place in the course of multiple international seminars, conferences, round tables and discussions with the employers.

The present Manual will be of interest to experts in international education, especially in relation to the Bologna Process; to education managers, academic staff in charge of developing curricula; to students and decision-makers.

Published with a financial support of the Tempus Project 159325-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES Qualification Frameworks in the Field of Ecology and Environmental Management.

Prof. A.M. Maloletko, DSc in Geography, Tomsk State National Research University;
Prof. G.G. Morkovkin, DSc in Agriculture, Altai State Agrarian University.

© Corporate author, 2012
© Design. Tyumen State University Press, 2012

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.